Current courses:
Introduction to Atmospheric Physics
An introduction to STEM graduate students without a background in atmospheric science to basic concepts of atmospheric thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and cloud microphysics. -
Turbulence and Boundary Layers
Mathematical models and conservation laws in atmospheric sciences, turbulence theory and modeling, boundary-layer schemes, for graduate students. -
Fundamental concepts of thermodynamics and applications to atmospheric systems, for undergraduates students.
Previous courses:
Introduction to meteorology for undergraduate students of aerospace engineering at U Politècnica de Catalunya. -
Aerospace Technology
Introduction to flight mechanics, aircraft propulsion and space systems for undergraduate students at U Politècnica de Catalunya. -
Numerical Methods
Solutions of linear systems, non-linear systems, and differential equations for postgraduate students at U Politècnica de Catalunya. -
Fundamentals, analysis and modeling of turbulent flows for undergraduate students at U Politècnica de Catalunya and for postgraduate students at MPI Meteorology. -
Premixed and non-premixed combustion for postgraduate students at RWTH Aachen. -
Air-breathing and rocket engines for undergraduate students at U Sevilla. -
C/C++ Programming
General programming skills and C language for undergraduate students at UC San Diego.